Tuesday, December 30, 2014

After about 8" (20 cm) of new snow last Sunday, the Syncline trails were packed and cleared of deadfall today. Parking lots are clean.
So the skiing should be best conditions of the season so far.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Friends were out yesterday on the Syncline trails and say they were very good: 2-3 inches of new snow on top of some hard pack. And since then we've had another 4 inches of powder.
So, take advantage of these sunny days, before the wind blows and try out your new snowshoes and skis.

Monday, December 15, 2014

A couple of weeks ago the skies gave the Syncline trails more than two feet of snow. A week later and the chinook hit and by this last weekend all we had left on the trails was a few inches of crust. BUT, then, on Friday night it snowed a couple of inches and the ski yesterday, December 14, was very good and quite fast (be careful on the downhill!). Still not enough snow for snowshoeing. Conditions will deteriorate with a lot of use or lack of snow, but for the next while they should be good.
P.S. the trails have been designated by the Alberta Government to become a provincial park, though when this will actually happen is unknown.